Monday 1 December 2014

Think about the *children! *(environment)

As I said in my last blog, the town of Amherst declined to have the waste water from fracking filtered into their sewage system, the petitcodiac river keeper has applauded them on their desicion. Had they agreed to the contract there would have been more than just the town of Amherst affected in this situaton. The water would have infected not just that town but spread to the petitcodiac and to the bay of fundy. This situation would have destroyed the surrounding environment and had detrimental consequences. Countless speceies of life live in the waters of the bay and would have had to leave or die. The simple desicion for money could have potentially destroyed an ecosystem.
You can find the article i referenced at

Local hazards

Hydraulic fracturing is a global issue, meaning it affects everyone including locally in New Brunswick, Canada. Recently the company AIS has started fracking in New Brunswick near Amherst, this has been an issue because it has been causing protests and in some cases riots. It was a bigger deal this past summer however, the issue has not dissipated. The company AIS offered the town of Amherst half of a million dollars to filter the wasted water from fracking into their sewage filtration system. This was not supposed to be a big deal, in fact it was good news for Amherst because of the extra income. The residents in the town did not think the same way at all. Protests started breaking out until it overwhelmed the town so much that they immediately stopped all negotiations about the deal.
The town was concerned about the chemical infested water being pumped into the water they drink and not being safe to drink. This is a justified statement as it has happened before. Thankfully the town will not be poisoned however the company is now moving on to the city of Dieppe to make the same deal. Will the greed for money overcome the city and infect the water of another town?

You can find the article referenced as well as the picture at

Fracking is as bad as smoking?

Fracking is a major issue all over the world today, news articles are being released daily showing that the struggle to stop it or to keep it going is global. Such articles depict protests, riots, reactions from government officials and even statements from the companies attempting to frack. One such news article was released this past Friday, November 28th. In this article released by The Independent, they stated that fracking is a situation we do not fully understand yet. Most scientists agree, however, that the innovation of fracking is tremendous but sending us in the wrong direction. They then compared it to such things as smocking and asbestos, where their use didn't seem negative at the time but now are seen to cause major health and environmental defects. This is the direction that the world knows fracking is heading. The signs are already there, with undrinkable water supplies, acid rain and numerous other negative environmental effects, the world has had enough of companies destroying our planet. This picture depicts a father and his son protesting fracking. The sign saying "Frack Off" clearly show the annoyed and aggravated emotion of most protesters of fracking. This father wants to protect his son and show him whats right. Fracking is going in the wrong direction, the world just needs to listen.

You can find the article referenced as well as the picture at